What Kind Of Filtration?

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Fish Crazy
Aug 2, 2005
Reaction score
Fayetteville, NC
What kind of filtration should I get for a 100 gallon with the following stocking -

1 Oscar
1 Convict
1 Firemouth
12 Tiger Barbs
3 Pictus Cats
2 Bristlenose Plecs

I was thinking of running two Penguin 350 BIO-Wheels, they are rated for 75 gallons each. Is that not enough? What are some other options?
A sump would be best, if the tank is drilled & the splashing noise isn't a problem. If the tank isn't drilled, choose your filters by what they do best. Hob filters are better at mechanical filtration than bio filtration; canisters are better at bio filtration. A combination of the two gives you the best of both worlds. Even though it's a big tank, the cichlids & bristlenose are big waste producers; you want at least double the recommended filtration.

I have a 72-gallon with a large plec & a rapidly growing oscar. I filter it with a pair of AquaClear 70's & an Eheim 2215. The hob's need to be cleaned every 2nd or 3rd week, they do the mechanical filtration.

I would reconsider the barbs. Even though they are zippy fish, the oscar may get them, and will tear up any decorations trying. Make sure the bristlenose are adults as well, my oscar took out a 3/4 grown bristlenose when he was 6 or 7 inches. He's around 10" now; the common plec is 15", so there is no problem.
I didn't know that BN plecs were all that bad on waste, since they stay relatively small.

They're both about 4 inches right now, and the O is 1.5, so I think I'm good there.

I could always just go with one of the BN's though. That would cut it down a little. I'm sure one would be able to handle the algae control effeciently right?
All plecs are messy, adding to the waste the cichlids produce. One bristlenose should have no problem with that tank, I put a couple in a 65 & they cleaned it up in a few days. If you have enough filtration two should be fine. I also have a powerhead on the bottom of the 72, that helps to keep debris from settling on the bottom as much, letting the filters take it out.
A sump would be best, if the tank is drilled & the splashing noise isn't a problem. If the tank isn't drilled, choose your filters by what they do best. Hob filters are better at mechanical filtration than bio filtration; canisters are better at bio filtration. A combination of the two gives you the best of both worlds. Even though it's a big tank, the cichlids & bristlenose are big waste producers; you want at least double the recommended filtration.

I have a 72-gallon with a large plec & a rapidly growing oscar. I filter it with a pair of AquaClear 70's & an Eheim 2215. The hob's need to be cleaned every 2nd or 3rd week, they do the mechanical filtration.

I agree on having one of each.

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