What kind of Crayfish do I have?


New Member
Jul 20, 2005
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Southern NH USA
I got a crayfish about a month ago from my lfs and when I asked what kind he was, they said he was a "common crayfish" :dunno: . I didn't bother to tell them that there were in fact over 250 species of crayfish in north america. So I am curious what kind of cray I actually got. Here are a few pics of him. The first pic is right after I got him. the second and third are of him now, after he almost doubled in size. :crazy: . So what kind of crayfish do you think he is, and how big is he going to get? He is in a ten gallon tank right now, I could probably get him a twenty long if he is going to get really big.




Thanks, Seth.
No idea but my suggestion is definitely spring for the 20gL as most crays like the space and the lower height is good for them. It means oxygen will not have to travel so far to reach the bottom of the tank. Don't want him to suffocate. :p
The top picture almost looks like a Orconectes Propinquus, otherwise known as a Northern Clearwater Crayfish because of the markings on the tail. But there are so many, and I'm far from an expert at identification. Go here, www.bluecrayfish.com. There is a guy there named Appy, and he can identify anything. Look for the message board when you get on the site. There is a special post just for crayfish ID.

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