What Kind Of Cory Should I Get?


Fish Fanatic
Sep 17, 2006
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I have a 29 gallon tank with the following fish:

4 gold barbs
3 platys
2 mollies
6 neon tetras
4 black longfin tetras
1 otto

I have no bottom feeders. I know my tank is quite stocked, but on another forum they said that I could fit a few corys in. I'd like to have a few bottom feeders, maybe another otto or two and a couple corys. I know absoultely nothing about cory cats, I've never had one. Whatever I get would have to stay very small. What are my options? I'm also thinking of getting male molly. (I have two females) would that overstock the tank?
Get A Variety,I Have 3 Bronze Cories And 4 Albino Cories :D

Edit : No The Male Molly Wouldnt Overstock It :D
Hi FishySarah :)

I see you have some mollies in your tank. Do you add salt to the water for them? If so, you shouldn't try to keep corys too.

Corys are schooling fish and you would need to think in terms of getting at least 3 of them, but more is always better.
I have 3 peppered cory's and love them, they are a hoot! I also quite like the Panda Corys and they are a bit smaller than the peppered but I can't find them in any of my LFS. :sad:
Best of luck on your choices as Im sure you will love any you pick! :D

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