What Kind Of Cory Do I Have?


New Member
Dec 25, 2015
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I went to my LFS and saw they had what they described (label on the tank) as "cory meli." Great, I thought, melini, one of the types I'd been looking for. I bought a half-dozen, first to go in a QT, later into my 23G long tank.
Except... they're not melini. I *think*, possibly, they meant melanistius... that would sort of make sense, even if "meli" is a more logical abbreviation for melini than it is for melanistius. If they're melanistius rather than melini, then no big deal.

BUT: mine look more like delphax than they do melanistius. This is an issue both because of size (delphax grow 55-60% larger than melini, while melanistius grow about 25% bigger), and with a 23 G tank, that matters. Second, I have cardinal tetras in the tank and plan, down the line, to maybe add a couple of Bolivian rams; delphax, I believe, like things on the cooler side than the other two types do.

So... what do I have?


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definitely not melini. I have melini and those are not them. This is what melini look like

I would agree with the link Eagles gave you for planet catfish :)

I can see no problem with these lovely cories with the other fish you mention, although tank size would limit you to maybe one or two rams with these guys. The tetra's would be swimming in the upper levels and so that shouldn't be an issue either. A temp of 25 degree's would be okay. My rams, tetra's and cories were kept at 25 with no issues

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