What Kind Of Catfish Is Mine?


Fish Crazy
Nov 1, 2007
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I am new to this forum, I did read some posts but I only just registered. I want to know what kind of pleco is mine. He was sold to me when I said I needed some algaea eater to go with my gold fish. But I discovered that all plecos need warmer water ...
I put my goldfish in pond (our garden pond) and I bought some guppy fish. But Now I don't know if this pleco is compatible with them - will he eat them or be agressive them? He is now in a seperate tank, 25 C, good filtration. And along with guppies I got two otocinclus sp.
Would it be alright to move the pleco in a guppy tank? The tank is 70 l, I think that is 20g. But I am planing on buying 174l tank.

here is the photo of my pleco, I did search on planetcatfish, but none of the plecos there is exacly the like and some are so similar...


  • pleco.jpg
    44.3 KB · Views: 53
It's a sail fin or Gibbiceps you can tell by the size of the dorsal fin.

These are fast growing fish and can get to over 20" in size and need a large aquarium.
ok, tnx
I will look at the species you told me he could belong to...
Ok, if he gets too big, I will give him away to somebody, but he is so cute... :blush:
I like him a lot, the little dragon :)
Than you think I better give him away now, and start looking at new species? Cause I really want to have a pleco, I like his looks, especially the long dorsal fin. And he hasn't shown any aggression yet...Do you think he will be aggressive?
hm...but I just looked for the Gibbiceps on the planetcatfish, but the coloration is totally different...Mine has more like dots, not that lepard pattern...He has a lot of black skin, and there are brownish dots that are a bit longer than they are wide. On the dorsal fin he has dots more closely together.
He is preetier :rolleyes: :shifty: :blush:
hm...but I just looked for the Gibbiceps on the planetcatfish, but the coloration is totally different...Mine has more like dots, not that lepard pattern...He has a lot of black skin, and there are brownish dots that are a bit longer than they are wide. On the dorsal fin he has dots more closely together.
He is preetier :rolleyes: :shifty: :blush:

Ah thats pretty normal for small young gibbys, mine was like that when it was a little juvenile gibby, as they mature their patterning tends to get more dense with smaller spots and they usually get paler too in colour.
hm..As for the better photo...I had a lot ofproblems taking that one...He is ussually in the back of aquarium, behind plants, in hiding or just swiming (when I feed him) - but I don't have a good camera...So I can only take his photo when he is still and in a full view...

Ok, I will also look about L001

Well there is something else - a fact that I can give you about him...He is about 8 cm long - and he was the same size when I got him 2 years ago! He doesn't appear to be growing, at least not fast...OK, I know the conditions were wrong (Temperature was too low) - that is because I really trusted the seller who told me that he is compatible with goldfish...
OK - he doesn't look like L001 either...
I went to a pet shop in our capital city and they had some gibbiceps and mine is definetely not it! There were juveniles and adult fish and none looked like him! The pattern is different - in juveniles and adults. my fish is primarily black with small yellowish dots and bigger dots on fins...
I will tra to contact the seller of my catfish to see if he knows what he sold me...But that was like 2 yrs ago, so I don't know if they still keep records...
It is not a common either...
Any other suggestions?

PS: How can I scale down the photo correctly? I have a large photo of him, but the forum accepts just 100 k and the photo is then so small. Can anybody help? Maybe if I could send it to ones mail and then that he would attach it on the forum?


upload the image to imageshack (www.imageshack.us) then paste the link here
I'll try to do that...

I went thrue the list again and the specie he resembles the most is on the link :

A photo of juvenile. But mine (well I don't know the gender really - it could also be she :blush: ) is darker (black, not brown) and he doen't have that mucg dots on his back. They are also smaller and more like dot like shaped....

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