What Kind Of Bettas? With Pics

more pics. im getting better at aking them.

still cant get a good shot of the other betta.

he was called an imperial betta at a lfs. but i cannot find info on imperial bettas?
I don't know what imperial is implying.. maybe something to do with the colors?? it's got nice crowns though. As does the steel colored one.
IF you keep that deltas water tip-top condition and feed good balanced diet along with daily flaring sessions he MIGHT turn into a nice SD/HM :good:

They're all very pretty! ;)

I would be very suprised if the green boy got anywhere near HM. The outer edges of his caudal just are not straight or even. He also has huge chunks missing from his tail, is he a tail-biter? :/ You should add some Bettafix/salt to his water.
when i got him he was siting in the lfs for a few weeks at least. but i dont think his fins are damaged, ive seen damaged fins before, but his dont look like it. i know the pics dont do any good this fish is really beautiful. more so then the crowntails, i think. i wish he would flair up and let me take a pic, but hes shy and always hides. im feeding him frozen brine shrimp and live. pellets also, hikari ones. what do youall think about throwing in some baby guppy fry? maybe it will liven him up? plus i have hundreds so i can aford it.

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