What Kind Of Algae

Paul Fletcher

New Member
Aug 13, 2007
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Hi Guys,

Does anyone know what type of algae this is. I have tried all kinds of methods to try and get rid of it but it keeps coming back within days of a good clean.

On the pictures the gravel looks ok as its only been two days since I did a 20% water change using a gravel cleaner. All the large rocks were removed and scrubbed in hot tap water. If you look at the fake tree root you can see its covered in this algae.

Any ideas.
*hijack* :)

Out of interest, if its down to bad/lack of CO2 does this mean Flourish Excel dosing will combat it also, or am I missing something about the difference between CO2 and carbon supliment?
Excel works against BBA but not for the same reasons as CO2 directly if I recall - Excel is a biocide which seems to affect many algae, check wikipedia about Excel as it explains it better than I can!

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