Hi all , new to the forum , can anyone tell me what kind of plec this is , it's the one pictured on my profile , i think it's a Peckoltia vittata but not sure , only i got it for £2.50 , may have got a Bargin for once in my life!!!!!
Hi Ben ,
got from Dobbies in Preston , they have a good selection , could do with being a bit more knowledgable , worked in my favour this time , good job i have the forum , it has been invaluable!!!
Braueri is a possibility otherwise known as a wormline plec, if it is then you have had a real result. There are so many pleckoltia types in that colour type, most of which are sold as clown plecs, that the photo is difficult to identify. If possible get a photo from above and the side but bigger. Wormlines are easy to see from above due to the head pattern.