What keeps killing this fish?


New Member
Jun 14, 2004
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I raised many harder fish.. I want the percula clown fish (nemo) eventhough my friends tell me that fish is very hard compared to maroon clown, which they recommend. But i am very hard headed and don't want that fish but what i prefer. I went through like 3 "Nemos" and feel bad when they die. My tank is pretty damn good, anemone and plants never die. And raised ALOT harder fish than Nemo (powder blue, etc). But Nemo doesn't last long in my tank. The last one lasted a week. Is there something they really don't like in tanks?? I try NEVER to use medicine cause they ALWAYS have side effects. Just like Kick -ichs (which is supposely, reef and EVERYTHING safe) but killed my Starfish. So i haven't used medicine in over 3 months. I don't know what it is? they are supposely "easy" fish to maintain. The only thing I can think about is my Hawaii Yellow tang which is very agressive stresses them out. But The tang don't even bother Nemo, they just swim by eachother. Next time I will put "Poon-Tang" in the sump while Nemo gets acclimated but does anyone else have any ideas??? i doubt it is the tang.

I heard that sometimes fish stores get Percula that NEVER survive.. Anyone heard of this?? THANKS for the inputs!! Really appreciated!
Firstly are you from the uk?
If so then its likely you are purtchasing a TMC tank bred clown. FOr some inexplicable reason clowns of this variety have been dieing off soon after introduction into hobbiests tanks.
Try and find a wild one (i hate to recomend wild caught over tank bred :*) ) as they are far hardier.

You are right to not want a maroon clown. I have one in one of my tanks and its my favorite clown but its also very aggressive and grows quite large. In the long term you are asking for trouble once it settled in.
As for perculas. My friend has gone through 3 sets ofpairs only to have each one dei within 5 days. I todl him to wait 3 months before purcahsing more as i felt that the batch that had been tan bred seemed to have a low immunity to stress. He did this and purchased his 4th pair a few months later. Thankfully his pair of clowns are now nearly 6 months old and thriving in the tank :D My sons tank was the same. He got a pair and they died soon after introduction. He is now waiting until the end of summer so that he can get some then (and have more stable temperature fluctuations)

I have a new pairin my 100 gallon setup, they have been in there for 3 weeks now and seem to be thriving.
There seems to be no apparant reason for these deaths, they seem ot fed and act fine in a tank and then suddenly after a few days they go off their food and die. Some people think that they have been bred in such sterile conditions that they cannot take a change into a more enriched reef tank. Again there is no proof of this im afraid. Just watch these clowns closely in the hsops and see if there are any sick ones after the delivery has been in for about a week. If after this time all the clowns looks in good condition in the LFS tank then it might be worth risking another purchase.

Sorry i could not be of more help. :*)
thanx for all the info... I heard something like that... so i need a wild one, huh? Do wild one have darker colors??? i figure tank bred will have a greater immunity against it.... but sterility makes sense too... Sorry i'm not in the UK, in US. Thanx for the post, once again.. u are very helpful..
I have 2 tank bred(pretty sure UK) Ocellaris clowns doing fine.. I'd quarrantine them for a week or so before adding them to the main tank. Just setup a small 10 gal with just water.. Watch them in there. No signs of illness like stringy stuff on fins or poop? Did lose 1 to the stringy stuff on fins.. Thinks its called "white slime" or "clownfish disease"..

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