What is your fish's diet!?!?


May 4, 2003
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T.O (Toronto)
i was just wondering, since i am the sorta wimpy type and scared of live foods :p

i feed my fish...

nutrafin max-
algae warfer
shrimp pellet
floating pellets

nutrafin max PLUS-
brine shrimp flakes
mysis shrimp flakes

sinking warfers

how about u? :whistle: :drool:
Hmmm, roughly the same but sometimes (rarely) I feed them live food.
Well, they seem to like it.
If it wriggles ... its food!!! :D
Hikari Betta Bio-Gold pellets and frozen bloodworms for my bettas in 1 gallon bowls/split 10 gallon tank; TetraSelect Tropical crisps and bloodworms for the female bettas in my 10 gallon, plus Hikari Tropical sinking wafers for the bottom feeders; and bloodworms, small crickets, Wardley freezedried tubiflex worms, and Hikari Cichlid staple pellets for the bichir and oscar ;)
Tetra TetraColor Tropical Flakes
First Choice Freeze Dried Brine Shrimp
Hikary Algae Wafers
Hikari Tubifex Worms
Hikari Sinking Wafers

Soon to try cucumber. (bought one just for the fish today. ;) )
wardley tropical flake
hikari freeze dried bloodworms
hikari freeze dried tubifex worms
hikari algae wafers
used to have hikari bottom feeder pellets but cories finished them in a week :p :rolleyes:
Nutrafin max complete flake food
Wardley's shrimp pellets
Frozen brine shrimp
Jack Wattleys discus formula/beef heart mix, which they all love :drool:
both frozen brine-shrimp and bloodowrms, algea wafers, tubifex worms and flakes. And the ocassional mosquito and spider that I happen to catch in my room. ;)
Tetra Tropical Granules
Tetra Variety Wafers (for bottom feeders)
Wardley Freeze-dried Tubifix Worms
Some brand of Freeze-dried Bloodworms
Cucumber and Zucchini

The Cory fry get Hikari First Bites

I want to get some shrimp pellets for 'em too :)

aka Married Lizard :wub:
Alage disc's, Flake, Sinking pellets, Bloodworm, Daphne, Courgette, Cucumber, Tubeflex worms, Freeze dried krill, Frozen krill, Frozen brineshrimp, Earth worms and other insects found in the garden.

I think its importent to give your fish something a little different to eat from day to day.
Tropical fish flakes by Tetramin.
Bloodworms and brine shrimp, frozen and/or live.
Flakes, algae wafers, algae pellets, frozen brine shrimps and daphnie, freeze dried river shrimp and krill. They also have live daphnie, brine shrimps and glassworms. In the summer they have greenfly and blackfly ( i don't use chemicals on my plants) :)

I forgot to add Tetra fresh whole bloodworms
Spirulina tabs & zuke for the plecs, shrimp pellets & whatever floats to the bottom for the corys, Omega One flakes & frozen brine shrimp for the angels, platys, & few danios. If you read the back of flake foods, they list the ingredients by the largest percentage first. When you see wheat flour, soybean meal, and such listed at the beginning, you may as well toss a loaf of bread in the tank, it's cheaper. Omega has that down around sixth or so, I feel a more natural diet has to be better for my fish.

Heard some good things last night from a breeder about the deli flake from brine shrimp direct. He buys it 9 pounds at a time & told me he would sell me some to try out. It's supposed to help with growth & enhance coloration. Think I'll give it a shot & see if there is any difference.

Bettas: Hikari Bio-Gold pellets, Hikari freeze-dried Brine Shrimp
Pencilfish and Red-eye tetras: Hikari Micro Pellets, Hikari freeze-dried Brine Shrimp
Upsidedown Catfish, Otos, and "Buster": Hikari Sinking Tropical Wafers

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