What is your favorite nano fish and why?

Ember tetra. Beautiful bright colour that looks stunning in a planted tank. Handsome stocky shape with splayed fins.
Bear in mind they are small but cannot thrive in a tiny tank - they need 40 litres/10 gallons minimum.

They remind me of mini goldfish, arguably the worlds most popular pet fish of all time.
1. Heterandria Formosa
2. Dario Dario
3. Microdevario Kubotai
I missed the why myself.
1. Smallest known livebearer and 7th smallest known fish in the world apparently. They’re not colourful or spectacular but i suspect being so far down the foodchain that’s probably the reason they’ve survived as a species. They don’t charge around the tank, instead they swim a couple of inches at a time then look around before continuing, a bit like an escaped prisoner on the run. Also a reason they’ve survived I suspect. There was no breeding/surviving in their 10G, two fry spotted since they all moved to a 15G a couple of weeks back.
2. Theyre wearing the shirts of my football team.
3. They look amazing enmasse. Mrs Lurch fell in love with them on walking through our lfs door. A mate up north has some in a heavily green planted tank. Gorgeous. Unfortunately they don’t suit our liquid rock.
So far I haven't found a nano fish that I really find interesting. If I was to pick one it would be embers in a planted tank, which I have now, because they have a beautiful iridescent orange color which makes them stand out against a green plant background. They look quite nice when they school.

To get back to my first statement, the smaller fish can look impressive in the well laid out tank but after a while they are just part of the scenery they swim around but don't really interact. Other larger fish, such as pearl gourami, angels, rams, discus, some of the african cichlids etc, interact more with their owners, and they have unique behaviors that make watching them more interesting.

If I was limited to a nano tank, I would go with a female betta, fewer fin issues, often more robust and healthier than their male counter parts who are too high strung, and they are very interactive with their owners. I have a couple and they come out to meet me whenever I go to the tank. They are one of the fish I have to move out of the way when I vacuum the sand or clean the glass.

Obviously a very biased point of view.

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