I personally love Aquaclear Filters. I have 2 AC Mini's, 1 AC 150, 2 AC 200, 1 AC 300 and i love them all. I also have 1 Biowheel 330, 1 Emperor 400, and 1 Whisper Mini. I like the AC and the Whisper better than the Biowheel filters. They are quieter and can change the media to whatever i want. In My AC's i use Either 2 Sponges and 1 Bag of Chemi-pure or 2 Bags of Chemipure and 1 Sponge, In my whisper is fill the catridge with Chemi-pure and it works great. The AC and Whisper filters are extremely quiet and havent failed yet. My bio-wheels are louder and sumtimes stop for no apparent reason. I will never buy anotherone. From Now on only Hagen Filters (Canister or Power), or Whispers for me..