What is your favorite filter?


Aug 23, 2003
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Toon Town
Just to find out who uses what around here....maybe let some of the new people in what's hot and what's not....

So once again, What is your favorite filter and why?

chris :huh:
I'm just going to add the same comment as last time. I use Eheim canisters. I like canister filters because they are efficient, quiet and don't use up any space around the top of the tank. I like Eheim's because the build quality is generally better than other makes available to me, and their connectors are less prone to leaking in my experience. Fluvals work well, but the connectors are really fiddly to stop dripping.
Personally, I have ALL hagen filters (1xmini~2x200~3x300~4x500~3x404~1x304~2x802 and 3 wee azoo filters)
...and I can't say that I like anything better, because I have never owned anything else.....sooner or later I want to try an emperor 400 on one of the tanks, just to see what all the hype is about!!! :D

chris :thumbs:
I have a Fluval 404 which seems fine, but everyone says Eheim canisters are better, and so they should at the prices they are!!!

So i'll say Eheim Canisters!! although I don't have one yet :D
My fav. all around filter is the Magnum 350 (Marineland) I cannot imagine not owning one. I do not run it all the time, only after water changes or when I want to polish up the water. I run it with a micron filter and diatom powder.

For fav. fulltime running filter I would have to agree with Lateral Line ... Eheim canisters. But, there is a part of me that still likes the penguin bio-wheels.
All I have are the nanofilters by Azoo. I'm waiting to see what someone has to say about the Penguin series Bio-wheel filters.
I have the penguin bio-wheel on my 46 gal, and it's ok. I have a problem though with my water looking a little cloudy...but I don't know if that is because of the brown algea that is in my tank or what. The only other filter that I have ever used are the ones from wally world. They have worked fine for me as well. Call me crazy, but I don't really see the need to spend lots of $$ on something when I am satisfied with what I have...

I personally love Aquaclear Filters. I have 2 AC Mini's, 1 AC 150, 2 AC 200, 1 AC 300 and i love them all. I also have 1 Biowheel 330, 1 Emperor 400, and 1 Whisper Mini. I like the AC and the Whisper better than the Biowheel filters. They are quieter and can change the media to whatever i want. In My AC's i use Either 2 Sponges and 1 Bag of Chemi-pure or 2 Bags of Chemipure and 1 Sponge, In my whisper is fill the catridge with Chemi-pure and it works great. The AC and Whisper filters are extremely quiet and havent failed yet. My bio-wheels are louder and sumtimes stop for no apparent reason. I will never buy anotherone. From Now on only Hagen Filters (Canister or Power), or Whispers for me..
Penguine w biowheel is very nice too long as you have the water topped off. I have had quite a few different hang on's over the millenia but that is the best.

Still the ehime wet dry can... OMG ... and yes mike you can buy 57.8 of your fav for the price of one... but you asked what is my fav and the best.

Its quiet much more sturdy than those stinking mags, OMG cleaning it is so simple (granted not as simple as a hang ... well that can be debatable with getting charcole in there).
ah yes I forgot to mention. This week our ehime was making some dredful noise!!!
So I took it out for a cleaning the inside was so clear it is so efficent!!! so I go to find the motar it is in a little box in the top... yep top not the bottom like many cans... it came out I rinsed it off (well hey after 2 years...) ploped it back on turned the cap and ding we are off and running again.... omg so simple...

Yes, I do drive Honda!

I've just installed a FLUVAL to my 54L, and it's ace. I did have an AQUA MINI before. the new one gives the tank loads more current, and I don't seem to get as much waste sitting on the bottom as with the old one. It's made the tank much nicer to look at all round really and the fish get a good work out, too.

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