What Is Wrong With My Molly.


Fish Fanatic
Oct 20, 2012
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I have had a dalmation molly for a week and a half about, and just yesterday I noticed that her mouth had this weird pinkish/whitish stuff on it, the stuff dosen't look fuzzy, and it looks like it kinda sealed her mouth shut, but its not because i saw her eating, also she was getting pretty big and now she looks really slim. The only thing I could find on the iternet was Mouth Fungus, but when I looked up mouth fungus on google images it looked nothing like what my fish is going through. And also my tank just went through an ICH treatment, if that has anything to do with it, please help. :sad:
Please help, its eyes are swelling know, as in buldging out of its head. :shout: :crazy:
sorry but all i can say is your fish swortuf sounds like mine which died :no: and also it sounds like your fish is dieing painfuly and slowly try asking a pet store worker what treatment will help it and hope for the best. :sad:

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