What Is Wrong With My Glowlight?


New Member
Apr 17, 2011
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Just wondering if anyone has any suggestions as to what may be wrong with one of my glowlight tetras.

He is very swollen and slightly bent to one side, his gills are red and he seems to be panting. Otherwise he is fairly active and feeding well. I have had him over 12 months.

He is in a community tank and all other fish are fine.

Water parameters: Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 40, pH 7ish.

Any ideas

Your he is actually a she at a guess, hence the bloated stomach, it is more than likely full of eggs.

I always seem to say he if I don't know otherwise and glowlights are hard to sex.

The fish in question is only one of three other glowlights in the tank, and whilst I accept that eggs are a possibility, it just doesn't feel right.

Would this really make the body of the fish curve, its gills red and cause it to pant?????
Are the gills different in colour compared to the other fish? gills should be red as far as I'm aware, blood passes through them, what's your surface agitation like? The panting could be due to a lack of oxygen but it seems unlikely.
Gills look redder than the other glowlights and it's like they are sticking out slightly.

Definitely breathing much quicker than the others. Don't think oxygen is an issue as all other fish doing great.

No difference in shape when look from the top other than the very swollen abdomen.
Well an update on my glowlight.

Unfortunately her condition never seemed to improve (she just seemed to get bigger) and she died overnight. But the strange thing is that when I was removing her from the tank she literally burst open and was full of what certainly looked like tiny eggs. So, it def seems as though she could have been pregnant.

Anyone any ideas as to why this happened????

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