What Is Wrong With Betta Hexes?

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*sniff sniff* do i smell "betta_l0ver".....

*sniff sniff* i think i smell a whole load of ammonia too....

*Sniff Sniff* Your posts are meaningless. Hmm, to quote yourself is very cool though.

nope, not quite meaningless... otheres on here will understand what i mean..

oh and "so called ammonia" exists.. just coz you cant see it, dont mean it dont exist.. if it builds up in high levels, you can smell it, it smeels vaugely eggy. but if it got to that point in your hex.. id imagine your fish is already dead.

ammonia is vey harmful to your fish. you can get special stones which absorb or nutralize ammonia, but im a bit suspicious of it to be honnest, dont know why, just not sure of it.

and easy way to change a your water is to simply use a peice of airline tube and syphon off some of the ater and replace with some fresh water you have left to stand over night. and mabey do a big clean out one a week or so...

So do this without cleaning the gravel? Isn't that a waste because the "Waste" from fish remain on the gravel.
:shifty: ok im now reporting people im not happy that you all feel the need to rip holes in eachother!
the man has a hex with bettas in get over it none of us can force him too change this!

at the end of the day arguing on a internet site is just going too make you all as bad as him?

:unsure: :unsure:
:shifty: ok im now reporting people im not happy that you all feel the need to rip holes in eachother!
the man has a hex with bettas in get over it none of us can force him too change this!

at the end of the day arguing on a internet site is just going too make you all as bad as him?

:unsure: :unsure:

Do you not see the question I am asking on this topic. Its a valid question, and I am asking without any rudeness.

What are you, the Forum Police?

So do this without cleaning the gravel? Isn't that a waste because the "Waste" from fish remain on the gravel.

you are still removing some of the amonia, and keeping on top of it, diluting it everyday, and then removing it whe you do a complete clean out

I did not know that. That makes everything a lot easier when cleaning.
nothing wrong with the thread, if peeps are offended they can just ignore it surely?

EDIT: as i really dont think its been too bad? just read the whole lot, quite a debate

keep it going guys
Forum police, lmao...

she's the forum ninja :ninja:

ha ha!

on a seperate note there's been quite a few betta wind up threads recently, peeps coming on saying they keeping their betta in a paper cup and stuff, just to get a rise out of peeps, i mean the OP here even said something along the lines of his fish dont produce ammonia.

we can but educate, just keep the language clean and personal insults to an undetectable level (i.e. none)

we can but not close threads because we dont like them :hyper:

EDIT: mods can obviously!!!!!!
I can understand why people are up in arms about this tank. I never realised how small the tanks were...i mean 5 inches is tiny.

But people do keep fish in much harsher conditions, and i think that biting the poor guys head off over his tank is a bit nasty.

But i do agree with absolutly everything said on this thread, and you should consider getting a much larger tank, even investing in a 10gal tank and dividing it.

When you see a betta swimming freely in a large tank, with his fins spread and him ducking and diving and loving it, its a wonderful site, and very calming. They truley are magnificent creatures.

I have one male in a 50L tank who is going to be moved to a 30L tank soon, but i do think they should be given room. I think if you take in all the comments on this forum (ignoring the harsher words said) and actually apply it, you will see a difference in your bettas.

Hope all goes well...wishing you the best of luck x
Remember guys... Tupperware is for FOOD. NOT for fish. Don't do the crime of cramming your beautiful bettas in substandard "tanks"
i don't think she was refering to the tiny food boxes hun, more that larger 1 gal plus ones which i must say is a cheap substitute if you need a back up, after all whats the differenct between that and a plastic tank? i know people that spawn in the huge black water container/bins, and overseas breeders that spawn in washing up bowles so you can't really use it as an argument
wow has anyone seen these these are amazing!
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