what is with my readings?


Fish Crazy
Jun 6, 2004
Reaction score
North-East, England
For some reason my ammonia is around 2, but i have 0 nitrItes, and my nitrAtes are 80+ ????
what could be cuasing me to have ammonia readings when my tank is fully fishless cycled?
Still adding ammonia (?)
Introduced fish (?)
Stopped adding ammonia, not introduced fish and the bacteria are dying off (?)

Need a bit more info - Is the tank stocked? If so with what? If it's not stocked when did you stop adding ammonia?

Let us know and we'' try to help :)

Meanwhile do a water change to try and bring the ammonia level down.
I have no fish or live plants in my tank. and haven't added ammonia for about 3 weeks, although i did add a small amount 2 days ago but the results have been the same since i did a few small water changes 2 weeks ago, which brought the readings down from 8+.
When i added the small amount 2 days ago the results went up to about 3/4 then today they are back at 2 ish.
I'm no expert on fishless cycling as i've been lucky enough to have a mature tank to steal media from :)
If you added ammonia and the readings went up then came down again that would suggest the bacterial colony is intact. More than that i'm stumped :dunno:

Hopefully someone else will come up with something :)
I know it sounds stupid but have you checked that your tap water is ammonia free?
I can't understand a stable reading of 2ppm after a cycle is complete with no fish (even with fish it would have to be a sudden big stock increase).
How long has the tank been running?
there is 0 ammonia in my tap water, even if there was ammonia in the tap water the bacteria colony should cause it to drop to zero anyway.
I've had my tank running for 6 weeks

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