What Is "tizer"?


Fish Fanatic
Jul 31, 2010
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Hi, I was just at the local independent grocery store (in the US), and there was a product in the "British Imports" section called "Tizer." It looked like cola, but the ingredients list had carrot juice and the like in it. I'm just wondering if anyone would be willing to tell a Yankee what it is and if it's any good?
Good ol wikipedia aye. Heres a link on "Tizer", hopefully it'll tell you everything you need to know.

I used to drink it as a kid. It had a really odd advert involving a red face with the top of his head off, and someone or something (i think just a hand) pouring Tizer into him and he was pulling odd facial expressions. If memory serves me right it was something like that. Quite a nice drink, i think its just your regular energy drink.
I used to drink it as a kid. It had a really odd advert involving a red face with the top of his head off, and someone or something (i think just a hand) pouring Tizer into him and he was pulling odd facial expressions.

that was when they tried to rebrand it and make it 'current'. Horrible taste if I remember correctly, so my advice.....dont buy it!

get yourself some Vimto instead! :lol:
I kinda liked it. The advert was ace, the head shouting "Its a red thing!". I've never liked Vimto, so Tizer was ok. Although the brand has died off in the UK lately, probably why they are importing it over in the US, its the next market to 'suffer' ha.

Prefere proppper energy drinks such as Redbull or Kick to be fair.
tizer was ace got it from the pop man who brought bottles round. It wasn;t an energy drink was a bit similar to irn bru but nicer in my opinion!!

get some
Well, if they imported it to the US they didn't bother to change the packaging, the top of the can itself advertises that it's only 39p. Nice considering that the store sells it for about $2.00 a can. Not much of an energy drink fan, but worth a shot when I get disposable income. Thanks for the help.
tizers great but tangos better
All I remember is I liked it, I cannot even begin to possibly imagine the taste of it.

However Vimto is the fruitiest word I know!

I am not endorsing products nor am I a salesman for Vimto, it is delicious though.
I used to love Tizer as a kid but it always gave me some funky headaches, I don't see it around any more. I use to be a Vimto addict too, but I drank too much and I've gone off it a bit.
Tizer has changed, I had a can the other day and it's not the same. That sugary gloopy sweetness has gone and they have reverted to using sweetners. A can of tizer was like childs heroin when we were kids.
oh no not fanta not a fan of fizzy orange its always Vimto, Dr Pepper or Tizer!! just remembered its still available here in a bright orangey red can
Tizer - those were the days :lol: ,although they still sell it in morrisons,it doesn't taste the same has the bubbling,fizzy,head whizz drink i had when i was a kid :lol:
Tizer, Vimto, Dr. Pepper.... all poison compared to....

Cream Soda! The king of fizzy drinks.

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