what is this?!


New Member
Sep 6, 2004
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My friend has a 20 gallon tank, a huge filter and ONE turtle in it. Because of some reasons he moved out and obviously couldn't bring the tank with him so he just left it there. After a looooong time his sister told me to go over and help her clean the tank. We noticed something on the surface of the water, it kind of looks like white pollen of some sort but they started jumping T_T. They can jump to about an inch and they're really really small.

Does anyone know what that is? Oh yeah... and there was a chunck of "calcium" floating on the surface of the water and the "pollen" on there was black not white.

It is REALLY disgusting.... I hope I don't die cleaning the tank T_T
While I havent a clue what on earth the pollen could be I will tell you that the "calcium" is probably just that, as water is splashed up the sides of the tank and evaporates leaving behind mineral scales.

BTW, Do you really have salmon? Being an informed Alaskan I consider myself somewhat knowlegable on salmon and I can tell you that you dont want em.
never kept a turtle before... well, my backyard at my old home used to be over run by box turtles.... but never on purpose....

perhaps the "pollen" you're seeing is lice of some sort?
Hey Tiffany, are these little creatures orange. I have posted about these creatures on here and nobody knew what i was talikin bout, ( :*) ) but i noticed your post and the description sounds the same. I found mine after i introduced a vallis into my aquarium. :X From a local lfs.

Whilst my gouramis, glass cats, and harliquins seem to eat the "big chunks" of them, they cant eat the little ones, that are single.

I sure as hell cant get rid of these "things" with a net! So anyone else with a suggestion???? :dunno: :dunno: :dunno:
Yes it does kind of look like lice now that you've mentioned it, but don't they just grow on hair? and yes, they's kind of orangy-brown
Im going to be of no help but you guys are making me very itchy!!!
You're a good friend. And that sister owes you bigtime!
haha, right when I saw it I was itchy all over it was soo disgusting... THEY WERE JUMPING UP AND DOWN!!

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