What Is This?

Looks like an albino bristlenose, but hard to say.
looks like a albino otto, if there is such a thing??

Could be a common (catfish) albino as well - it's hard for me to tell. It can't be more than an inch or so (head to base of tail) ?
As I said on the other thread, he's an albino liposarcus pardalis and will exceed 18" and potentially over 2ft in time. They grow at a rate of about an inch a month, sometimes significantly more. Most tend to slow down at around the 15-18" mark. They need a HUGE tank (6ft x 2ft x 2ft as a bare minimum) with phenomenal filtration. :)
First, thanks for your help guys.

Secondly, Kathym, I know I spoke to you on another thread, but I think that was in the new world cichlids thread. My question over there kind of moved from its origional point and ended up with my plec. Thanks with your help btw :)

Just thought I'd put the question into the correct thread :D

God they do get big, dont they!!! Why would some one sell me him, knowing what size tank I have?!?

Next time I go to my lfs, I'm going to see what I like, come home and research, then buy, if suitable!!! Not just think its a pretty fish!!!
Been in exactly the same position as you - I had a 39g and Pets at Home sold me one saying they only got to 7-9". Good job I didnt take their other advice of having one per foot of tank (ie. four in the tank I had then!). :X

They sell them to you because they can basically. And I agree, it's atrocious that they do. I saw my LFS selling a hand in chocolate albino liposarcus (worth about £5 max) for £30 as some posh L number. The cheek of it. :huh:

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