What is this worm????


Fish Crazy
Feb 3, 2004
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As i often do, i take a peek in my tank at night to see all my little snails crawling all over the tank cleaning it up for me.

Well tonight i noticed something on the glass.

A little worm about 1" long, very thin, walking up the glass kinda like a centipede does. It was definitely crawling like a snake up the glass and not swimming.

What are these, why are they in my tank and how do i get rid of them???
Ok, they are Planaria.

I vacuum often but it's tough to get every spot in a planted tank.

My convicts just had fry in the tank so i had to feed a lot to make sure they all got food. I will start to cut back now that they are grown.

What eats these things??
Not sure if any of them would work well in my tank.

The tiger barbs love fancy tails

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