What Is This ? Picture Inside


Mostly New Member
Mar 7, 2014
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Just checking on the tank today and found that there is something on the wooden log in the tank:

Not really sure what it is, only recent changes are the addition of 2 new angel fish and another small parrot cichlid.
Thanks :) 
It looks like eggs to me but I'm not sure as I've never bred egglayers before. Are any of your fish being protective over it?

Just did a quick search and it seems to me like your parrot cichlids ar going to be parents.
Thanks!  I guess they are being protective, as the closest thing I can get to it is the algae magnet cleaner and they'll attack that! 
I've other fish in the tank zebra danios, torpedo barbs, angel fish, and this is the first time its happened (mostly as I was careful before, to avoid having the tank fill up to quickly with fish). 
Anybody know the survival rate - as there seem a lot there ?! 
Also with that in mind, my tank 125Litre is around 90% full so will my tank now become overstocked very quickly? 
I actually did some quick research cause I was interested, so I don't know exactly everything.
But it seems to me that you actually don't really need to worry about it as parrot cichlids (since they are hybrids) are often infertile. There is the rare chance that they could hatch though but I'll leave that answer to someone who knows more than me on this. 
I'm not sure on the survival rate of the eggs or if they'd be infertile or not..but I would say you should upgrade at some point.
The zebra danios and torpedo barbs need a minimum of a 55g (4ft) tank, due to their activity levels, and the torpedo barbs size.
IIRC the parrots need a 55g as well. The angels would be better off too.
Congrats by the way. Cute pic! :wub:
I am not an expert on egg layers but from experience with my buddies tanks you should try to get some of the more aggressive fish that could potentially hurt or harm eggs/fry out of the tank. The reason I say this is my bud's 37 gallon has two angels and a sucker fish(Not sure what kind) and every time the angels have eggs the Sucker eats and destroys all of them.
Best of luck.  
Thanks, yes my newfound research has uncovered similar results. I will see how it develops, but hopefully it works out well! At the same time, I hope my new parrot cichlid 'lightens' up and begins to soon swim freely again.
With regards to the fish tank size, being new to fish etc I sought advice from multiple fish stores (larger independent specialists and medium sized chain stores) about stocking the 'right' fish. They've all categorically said that the fish I have are all fine and will be more than happy to live within it even whilst growing. (They went by a ruling of roughly 1cm of fish per 1litre of water) The fish all seem happy - with no signs of distress, so it appears ok ? In fact fish stores have suggested a possible increase of 1-2 fish max if I wanted to.
For reference all I have with my 125 Litre tank - sizes of fish below are approximate:
3x Zebra danios 3cm each 
2x topedo barbs 10-12cm each
2x angel fish 7-8cm each
2x parrot chiliclid  (one being 7-8cm and the other 10-12cm)
I'm not trying to be harsh, but some of these stores are the same that will tell you a betta or goldfish are fine in bowls. They want to sell you things.
I actually completely forgot something when I last commented. You do want more of them as the zebra danios and torpedo barbs are shoaling fish, meaning they should be kept in groups of 6+ of their own kind.
They are likely happy for now, but it's best to plan for the eventual size of the fish. That rule is rubbish IMO as it doesn't account for everything, such as activity levels.
Or bioload..such as a 4" pleco is going to put off a lot more bioload than a 4" tetra.
So even though the zebra danios are small, they are very active. This is why people recommend a 4ft tank for them.
Zebra danios get up to 5.5cm, torpedo barbs 15cm, angelfish 15cm, parrot 25cm.
Again, I'm not trying to be harsh or rude at all
I just wanted to let you know this information that way your fish can be happy.

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