What Is This Fish?


New Member
Sep 4, 2003
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Coventry, UK
We bought this from our LFS who said it was in with a batch of white cloud mountain minnows they bought. They had not ordered this fish and didnt know what it was

I saw it there when I went a few weeks ago and not one to buy a fish I know nothing about decided to leave it. But when we went back today looking for something unusual, he was still there living happily with fancy goldfish and minnows (as we have in our cold water tank)

It was suggested he is some sort of Barb, but I cant see any of the characteristic barbels

deffo looks like the same fish I have.
they were decided to be indeed R.sumatrans however a definitive ID can't be done on visuals alone.
others to consider are R.parviana, R.vegae or R.elegans

it is safe to assume they are sumatrans and follow the keeping conditions for those and they will thrive :good:
Thanks for the reply, and the confirmation

We dont actually have a thermometer in the cold water tank and I am reluctant to move him to the tropical tank as he seems happy enough in there. To be honest the temperature in the house doesnt go under 18 degrees and is normally about 21 so Im sure he will be fine. Its not like I am likely to find them for sale any time soon so cant keep him in a shoal anyway :)
as they are a sub-tropical fish no heater is required :)

mine are in a tank that is never more than 25c but usually 23c and they love it.

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