What Is This Fish Called?


New Member
Sep 15, 2011
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my mom bought me this tiny little chubster yesterday and she didn't pay attention to the name of it. its a little bit bigger than an inch i think, yellow with black spots. his name is mickey because he has a mickey shaped spot on his back.

my mom said he was an active fish when she bought it from the store, but since i put him in my tank all he's been doing is cruising at the bottom and likes to hide a lot. mickey hasn't eaten either whenever i put food in for him:[

I really hope you dont have shrimp etc or it'll be a blood bath, puffers are alot better with there own kind, I know cause I wanted some.
You may have trouble getting it to take prepared foods; you might need to try and get some live bloodworm or something. Sorry I can't tell you what kind of puffer it is, but it will need a tank of it's own sooner rather than later; all the can be aggressive.
hahaha i didn't get a shrimp thank godxD

ahh okk, right now he's with an angel fish, a tiny pleco and some weird kind of pink fish that's too hyper.
is there anyway to make mickey feel more comfortable?:[ my tank is really small but i'm working on it.

ignore how ugly the tank is, its in progress>__<
How big is the tank and the pink fish looks like a glofish, a genneticly modified danio and puffers are very agressive from what I have heard
I'm afraid your entire stocking needs re-thinking, tbh.

The pink fish is a zebra danio; really needs some more of it's own kind, although it will still be a bit hyper.

I'd honestly think about returning the puffer; it's going to rip your other fish to shreds.

Angels need a tank that is at least 18" tall.
Please give that puffer a tank of its own asap before a tankmate is killed!

Puffers need intresting tanks, full of furniture and plants at all levels for them to explore.

The hyperacive pink Glofish needs a 4-foot long tank and at least 5 "friends." It is a genetically modified Zebra Danio and shold be kept at <20C for most of the year.

The Angelfish needs a tank with at least 18 inches of actual water excluding the sand/gravel.
100% agree with Goat, that puffer is a Green Spot Puffer which is a species that moves from fresh to marine waters through its life it may be okay to start with in FW now but it will need brackish moving onto marine as it grows up. The reason it may be bottom sitting could be that some pet shops run a low amount of salt in their tanks and that may have been pleasing him.

That tank does look pretty small as well - especially for the Angel..

I thought danios only needed a 3 foot long tank

The common Zebra, Pearl and Leopard Danios can easily cover the length of a 4-foot tank with a strong water current to fight against in a second. They live life in the fast lane and need space to zoom around in. Anything smaller is like owning a fully tuned sports car and only driving it in 30mph zones, such a waste, yet even more tragic as fish are living creatures.

The amount of times I've read about these small Danios being kept in cramped conditions, often combined with unsuitably high water temperatures around 24C all year round really annoys me.
Okay I was just wondering I have heard many different people say many different things about the length I have heard 2 and a 1/2 feet 3 feet and 4 feet but I always thought it was 3 feet thanks you for clearing things up for me
Its a spotted or figure of eight puffer. Looks like its dieing. They need feeding bloodworms. Tank is way to small for one and way to small for an angel. Id return them both. You should research your fish before buying. The fish shop never should have sold it to you either.

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