What Is This Catfish!?


Fish Fanatic
Jul 15, 2012
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Basically I've had this catfish for a number of years now and was never given a name for it at the LSF (I was young, forgive me). It's around 4 inches long and from what I could see from a quick look has two pairs of barbels. Sorry that it's not the greatest picture to judge from but it's the best my iPhone could get with the state of the tank at the moment.

Thanks in advance.
it looks like a cory but dont know what kind and it also looks like you need to clean your tank :good:
+1 for cleaning your tank!

I think its some type of synodontis catfish for sure but I'm not sure which one.
Definitely a Synodontis, not likely to be nigriventris or contracta with the ~4 inch size info here, it would need to be a much clearer photo to say much mor than that given there are sadly heaps of hybrids in the hobby. Synodontis nigrita is a possibility, but regardless, as it matures there is an increased risk of fighting with your presumeably bigger Synodontis euptera.

Two is often a bad number for same or similar species like this, one is likely to get bullied by the other, all you can do is provide plenty of hiding places for the two synos (often a reason for fights) and keep a good regular eye on them both for signs of intense battles (my 5x2x2 has Synodontis notata; decora; brichardi; flavitaeniata... by and large them all play nicely, but unusually the Pyjamas seem to be often covered in minor battle scars from each other despite being at the placid end of the syno spectrum).
Hey thanks for the replied guys, was thinking it was a type of synodontis but really didn't know where to start looking. Googled the nigrita and it looks very similar though I'm not 100% sure, I'll try take some clearer pictures soon.

NObody: Thanks for sorting out the image it's much appreciated, and despite my featherfin being around 6 inches they get on reasonably well and stay out of each others way most of the time, only time there's a little aggression is if ones already hiding where the other wants to go, and all that leads too is a chase which lasts a couple of seconds at most.

Also I know where your coming from about the state of the tank, the fish will be upgrading into a 100l once the tank is cycled. The tanks managed to get into the state it is in because due to space issues it's been shoved under a cabinet in the kitchen, making it hard to get in and clean aswell as getting alot of sunlight which means more algae. However the water quality is good and believe it or not reasonably clear.

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