What Is The Smallest Species Of Pacu?

I believe the common red belly is the smallest, only getting to about 3 feet long.
The black pacu (Colosomma macropomum) will get around 2-3 feet long.

There is a species of red bellied pacu ([/i]Metynnis maculatus[/i]) that grows to around 8"
ummmm red bellies get quite large, around 2 and a half feet i believe.. Metynnis maculatus is actually a silver dollar, closely related to piranhas like pacus, but definatley not a pacu.

One of the common names for Metynnis maculatus is Red belly pacu, just another reason why people should ALWAYS use scientific names as well as common names.
Isn't there a black pacu or something that only gets to 8/9"? Or did I dream it...?
Blacks will get larger then three feet, given enough time and space.
i'd say stick with silver dollars or pirahnas, look close enough the any other fish to pacus and dont break your fish tank and eat our cat :p


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