What Is The Pecking Order Like In Your Tank?


New Member
Apr 25, 2007
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I'm curious, what is your tank's pecking order like?

In my tank, the list goes like this:
1. Dwarf Gourami(male) - nobody messes with him and he isn't afraid of anyone in the tank
2. Dalmatian Molly(female) - she's actually not agressive, but because of her size, noone picks on her other than the gourami
3. Red Velvet Swordtail(male) - he usually targets the platies(especially the orange one), but always leaves the other two alone
4. Orange Platy(male) - he's really afraid of the swordtail and gourami, not so much the molly, but sometimes goes after the other platy
4. Tri-colour Platy(male) - he's at the bottom because he doesn't pick on anybody, is a little chunky, a little laidback, and usually yields to the others
30g: Male krib, female krib, golly, ghost shrimp, feeder guppies
20g: Swordtail(male), dalmation mollie( female), black mollie( female), swordtail( female), feeder guppies, pest snails.
In mine it has got to be the:

#1 Tiger Barbs (9 in total!!)
#2 Male Gourami (2 in total)
#3 Male Swordtail
#4 Male Sailfin Molly
#5 Male Platty
#6 Female Swordtail (2 in total)
#7 Female Platty (2 in total)
#8 Bala Sharks (2 in total, tame as hell!!)
#9 Male and female black mollys (8 in total, 5 are 4 week old fry and are in a seperate partially salt water tank)
1. Tied for first, Black Shark and red devil-They are beasts

3.Red Tail Black Shark-clearly dominated by the black shark and red devil he still bullys the jack the blue's and the jewel
4.Jack Dempsey-tough guy but still afraid of the smaller red tail black shark
5.Yellow Lab-Large for a lab, used to battle the devil when they were the same size, he knows better now though:)
6.Cobalt Blue-has an attitude and not afraid to show it
7.Electric Blue-one of my smaller cichlids, he may move up th list as he grows
8.Green Severum-mostly peaceful, mostly left alone due to his size
9.Jewel-poor jewel is the smallest member of the community, he dominates no one:)

2 wildcards are my CAE and Leperinus, neither one really interact with the other fish at all, just keep to themselves, I am told though that leparinus can be extremly nasty as adults as well they have teeth so he may work his way up the list oo as he reaches adulthood.
1. the female delta betta
2. female VT betta
3. female Plakat betta
4. guppies
5. female plakat betta
6. neon tetras
7. amano shrimp

thats for my 15, the other 3 tanks only have 1 fish in so i guess there top :good:

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