What Is The Formula To Calculate Fish Volume...


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Jan 20, 2007
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I have a US 30g long tank with a convict and a jewel cichlid... i want to get another convict... do i have enough room?
Do you have any other fish in there?
Assuming you don't and you are fully cycled, you can add a few more convicts in there.
Yes my tank is fully cycled, has been for months! I do at the time also have a Pleco, but i think i might be returning it to the LFS because, I am not to big a fan of them, just wanted it to control the algae levels, but i am finding out they make more of a mess than they clean up :huh:
I would say prob can have the jewel and maybe 2 female convicts. If you get a male and a female and they pair, they will most definatly kill the jewel protecting their eggs as they get extremely protective when eggs or fry are present. Two males might be a stretch too as the males are more aggressive.
i have read one inch of adult fish per gallon if the tank is under six months old, rising to one and a half inches of adult fish if tank is older than six months (imperial, uk gallons)
i have read one inch of adult fish per gallon if the tank is under six months old, rising to one and a half inches of adult fish if tank is older than six months (imperial, uk gallons)

This is for small fish such as tetras and such. Obv you can't put an 8 inch cichlid in a 10G tank.....
Here is how i calculate how many fish. 1 inch of fish per gallon of water for fish that stay less than 6 inches, and 1 inch of fish per 2 gallons of water for fish that get bigger than that.
Here is how i calculate how many fish. 1 inch of fish per gallon of water for fish that stay less than 6 inches, and 1 inch of fish per 2 gallons of water for fish that get bigger than that.

Does the measurement include the tail?
You really have to take into account what kind of footprint the tank has, as well as the other occupants- where they like to swim (top/mid/bottom), if they need to hide, what kind of waste producer they are, etc. Those measurements are only guidelines, you have to research the rest to make it fit into your own tank.

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