What is the difference?


Fish Herder
Jul 1, 2004
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I was sitting here wondering what is the difference of adding a betta to a un-cycled 5-10 gallon and adding a betta to a un-cycled 1 gallon?

People are always buying bettas and putting them in bowls and jars and the bowls and jars arn't cycled. Also some people do 100% water changes.

I don't really understand the difference? :dunno:

I know the gravel is the stuff that has the benificial bacteria on it so if you add a bunch of that to the 5-10 gallon isn't is the same thing as the bowl just that the betta has a lot more room to swim around?

Educate me :D
Well, there's a lot of difference. Even 1 gallon bowls can indeed cycle. Then with regular maintainence of weekly partial water changes,they're fine.Uncycled bowls are a little harder. The smaller the bowl...the more frequent the 100% water changes need to be (like every 3 days). Of course the 'smaller the bowl,the more frequent the water changes' rule counts for cycled tanks too.

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