What is the best filter floss


Fish Crazy
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Jul 16, 2023
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Best fine filter floss in uk to buy and how much and how often should I change it

In my 307 fluval I have the sponges in the bottom try ceramic rings in second tray then filter floss in top tray
I buy a length from Amazon or eBay and cut it to the right shape. It comes in various thicknesses.

I change it when it gets dirty as it doesn't wash properly - it gets all mis-shaped. But as it's so cheap that's not a problem.
So will any be ok as there is tons on Amazon or could you stick me a link up
I bought the last lot from seller pmfkoi on eBay.

I got 2 metres of 25 to 30 mm thick 3 years ago and I've still got a fair amount left. I think I bought the previous from Amazon but it's a while ago and I can't find it.
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