What Is My Green Stopped Puffer Doing?


New Member
Nov 19, 2007
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My puffer keeps on going to the top of the tank moving really fast comming out of the water. It's not like they normally do going up and down it is going from side to side jumping out of the water. The water levels are all 0.

I just want to make sure that my puffer is ok!!!
I assume your puffer is in strongly brackish water right? It is not uncommon for puffers to look like they are going to leave their tank and go airborne. If it is excessive then it may suggest poor water quality or a nuerilogical disorder. Also it could feel uncomfortable about it's tankmates.
I'm not meaning to be short here, but if you could answer the following questions, it would help?

Do you havea refractometer/hydrometer?

What is your current SG if yes to the above.

What are the exact levels of Ammonia, Nitrite and Nitrate?
Yes I have a hydrometer, Ammonia, Nitrite and Nitrates are all zero and S.G level is 1.003!
How big is the puffer? If it is an adult, it would be best to up the sg to something around maybe 1.015 and if about 4 inches, maybe to 1.010. Some people would recommend a higher sg though.

Almost 2 inches so should I up the SG levels now or wait till he gets bigger, I have only had him for about a week now, I am still gettting him used to brackish water. When I got him he was in fresh water!
Yes I have a hydrometer, Ammonia, Nitrite and Nitrates are all zero and S.G level is 1.003!

I don't know how exactly you would get 0 Nitrate, especially in a brackish tank. i would probably try another test kit.
Hello, that is my g/f posting :)

The nitrates aren't 0 but there not toxic either... water change was done yesterday. His jumping is not excessive at all he only did it once or twice, we just wanted to make sure all is good. As you said it's pretty common. The puffer doesn't have tank mates... he is on his own at about 2.5-3" and awaiting a 30gl to be set up. Our problem with our hydrometer is that it only measures from 1.012 and up... we can exactly tell what the lvl is. Would my safest bet just be to up the sg until the needle is slightly below the 1.012 mark? After the tank is stitting at the desired 1.010 how much salt should be added when we do our weekly 50% water change to maintain it?
A refractometer is an absolute necessity for a brackish aquarium, for the reason you mentioned. You can accurately measure any salinity from freshwater to sea water. I read that refractometers are more accurate and easier to use as well, but I ONLY have a refractometer, never used a hydrometer.
As for how much salt you should use, I can only suggest you add some to your pre-mix container, measure, and add more if necessary. Keep track of how much you use. Also remember, that as salt is exposed to air, it absorbs moisture, so as you use up the last of the package, you will need to use slightly more that a fresh package.
You do know that you should increase salinity slowly, right? Both for your fishes sake and for the bacteria.
I use 100grams of marine salt per 10 litres of water at a temperature of 26° this gives you 1.005SG
A refractometer is an absolute necessity for a brackish aquarium, for the reason you mentioned. You can accurately measure any salinity from freshwater to sea water. I read that refractometers are more accurate and easier to use as well, but I ONLY have a refractometer, never used a hydrometer.

A hydrometer will be fine for a brackish tank. No brackish fish requires the accuracy of a refractometer, you just need to get the salinity in the right ballpark.
These puffers can tolerate full marine conditions, the one in my tank is about 2-2.5'' and lives in a reef tank. I acclimatized him from light brackish to full salt in an hour or two, but I did not expose him to any newly mixed saltwater.

Perhaps it would be best to mix your water changes - letting the mixture mature over a day or two, preferably with an airstone or powerhead - with higher and higher SG over several water changes, eventually bringing the tank to high brackish. You must go slowly because while the fish can, the bacteria often cannot, cope with high SG swings and will die off, to be replaced by higher salinity bacteria.

Or, you could wait until you set up your bigger tank, and just mix the SG to an appropriate level and acclimatize the puffer to that water. This would be my path.

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