What is my algae eater?


This shrimp is so good it needs to be seen in wide
Sep 16, 2003
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I am not sure of the species of my algae eater. What I know is that it is not a siamese algae eater or a golden algae eater. It looks something like a chinese alagae eater, but after a long time of searching on the web for chinese algae eaters appearance, mine still didn't look quite like it. Mine has more creamish colour and some greyish/bluish mainly at the top of its body. Its head is totally cream colour and like most i have seen the underside is also cream colour. It has some hazy dots at the sides of the body. Can you identify it? Ask any questions if you need more information. Are 2 of them safe in a 50gallon with my, other fish as said in my sig? Read it please. So thats 2 questions.

1. What is my Algae Eater species?

2. Are 2 of them safe in a 50 gallon with 4 angels, 2 swordtails, 1 spiny eel and 1 black ghost knife?

If it's an otto it should be safe with ur fish.Besides they're small so if anybody came after them they could hide :D I don't know much about spiny eels tho,but as far as the rest of the fish,i'm sure he or she will be ok

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