What is it?


New Member
Mar 7, 2005
Reaction score
North Dakota, USA
My tank set up is three weeks old. The first week I just let it sit and filter, then i got fish the second week. Now in week three. I have this clear stuff, reminds me of algae, but it is clear. It is growing on my plastic plants and on the sides of the tank. It is about a half inch long and flowy, I can see it only on the plants and only resently discoved it on the sides of the tank, only when the fish swim past and it moves.

Is this algae? If it is why is it clear and not green? My tank does in the mornings get some sunlight.

How can I fix this unsightly problem. Or is it good. I am rather new at this.
okj usually this is a sign of over feeding and the food is rotting and that is fungus that is growing. Now sometimes I have had people have some weird algaes but I doubt this is the case it's probably a fungus it won't directly effect the fish but do get rid of it. Water changes and smaller feedings will help as well as wiping it off with a clean sponge.
should I vacume the gravel when I change the water, or just take some of the water out and replace with fresh? Do I need to disinfect my plastic plants? If so how.
Sounds like snail eggs to me. Could even be fish eggs. I would also recomend that you do a gravel vac with the water changes to get rid of excess food and excrement.
About the snail egg comment, I doubt it's this because they appeaqr as a geletanous glob with small eggs inside, not long and flowy.

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