What is it?


Retired Moderator ⚒️
Mar 1, 2004
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Washington D.C.

My well established 10 gallon, mainly guppy tank has a problem. There is a rapidly spreading, feathery, web-like growths on all the plastic plants and on the bottom. I have also noticed a couple of white cotton-like spots on my cory catfish. Does anybody know what this is and what I should do? :dunno:

Are these web-like growths green in colour? Probably algae (hair/thread/filamentous algae). Green algae caused by too much light, brown by too little. Some algae is inevitable and with hair algae, the only thing you can do is take it out manually - algaecides are available but I've never heard a good word about them, I guess they screw around with your tank chemistry.
Anyway, how much tube lighting is the tank getting? (I assume it's not in sunlight and you're using flourescent lighting).

The cotton wool growth is fungus. My textbook says that it mostly grows on injured areas of a fish, eg burns sustained on your heater, or other fish bites.

Here's what it recommends:
For major outbreaks, treat whole tank.
For spot occurences, use a spot treatment with fungicide, or gentian violet (don't know what that is).

You should try and find out why it occured too; the cause, if untreated, could mean more fungus in future!
Thank you! I have tablets to treat fungus. I will try them and let you know what happens. :)
Okay, I used the fungus tablets and the tank is getting better.
I have to put the new carbon in, but otherwise it is fine. The bottom feeder still has the fungus on his head. Will that eventually go away, or does he need a special treatment?
:fish: You will need to get some anti=fungal medication for the fish with fungus and while you are treating the fish remove the carbon from the tank as this will remove the medication :D
Well, unfortunately, my little cory died yesterday. I did try the fungus medicine, and it was just finishing. All the other fish are doing great, though.
Thanks for all your help!
Sorry for my absence! Sorry for the death of your cory... I know... my one died of "skinny disease". So how's your tank now?
The tank is completely cured. All the other guppies and corys in it are doing great. :D :D

Thanks again for all your help!! :thumbs:

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