What Is It?


Apr 15, 2007
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South coast uk
Ok to start with havent got any pics so a description is best I can do for now, over the past week or more I have noticed a brown/ginger coloured what i thought was algae, but it just seems like a very fine coating now that does the same as diatom which is it holds tiny gas bubbles within it, i first thought it was diatom but not so sure now, this stuff seems to be spreading over my LR (not at an alarming rate) which is begining to worry me a liitle as I dont know how to get rid of it, all my water parameters are fine including phosphate, that said there is a little green hair agae which is the remenants of what i was trying to get rid of, i do a water change every 7-10 days i watch my PH KH ammonia calcium phosphate Nitrate and Nitrite levels and all are well within the limits, with rowaphos in the external filter

Firstly does anyone know or want to take a guess what it is and secondly how I get rid of it?

any info would be very appreciated

Google dinoflagellates and see if that's what you've got?
Agreed... doesn't sound much like anyhting I've seen but dinoflagellates come the closest. Try clicking the link in my 'sig'.

Doesnt look like it is thank god by the look of the pics i just googled its not something I want either!

It really looks more like a diatom algae than anything but im stumped as to where it has come from, the only thing I can think of was that a month or 2 ago I added some synthetic LR (alpha rock) to the tank as a platform to build on and it is cycling even though I was told it wouldnt and all the research seemed to suggest it wouldnt either, its not going nuts like it did when i first set the tank up so think im gonna have to just keep an eye on water quality and state of the tank!

Would have added some pics but they are all to big in size to add on here so until I can lower the pic quality sufficiently enough I'm stuck with describing this stuff!
Well lots of things, algaes especially, can lay dormant in our rock and only come out to play when conditions are just-so for them. You're right, good thing it wasnt dinoflagellates, that stuff is HORRIBLE.

Try hosting the images on a website like photobucket.com. You can get higher resolution pics on there and then just copy the IMG tag (below the picture thumbnail) in here when posting and you'll have an inserted pic. Photobucket makes it really easy
Ski thanks for the tips on posting pics was always wondering how you guys posted high quality pics with restricted sizes! lol
Not the best pic at the top but anyone got any ideas what the browny yellow algae on my LR is?
It may be cyanobacteria....typically, it traps gas bubbles. SH
It was one thought that someone else had but dont think it is, however if it is does anyone know best course of action to take to get rid?

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