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Nov 1, 2006
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Greensboro,Pa. U.S.A.
Here is a picture of Crappie. I know for sure that he has ich, but the other thing I'm not sure of. You can see the blood vessels in his fins. He is in a 10 gallon tank with about 10 other tropicals. I'm starting a 30 gallon tank but I don't want to put the gold fish in until his problem goes away. How should I treat him and how long does the treatment time period last. He eats like crazy and likes to chase a black tetra that is in the tank with him. I can't get the picture to upload so I'll try later.
A goldie and a tetra shouldnt be sharing a tank. What is the temperature and how many gallons is the tank? What are the other tank mates?
Check your water stats as well as high ammonia and nitrites can cause it but having ich may be to blame and a secondary disease has taken hold. How are you treating the ich?
Hi Guys,
First off, I completely changed out (cleaned) my tank 2 weeks ago. I purchased 2 pair of fancy guppies and they died in 2 days. Then all of this started. I'm in the process of getting a 30 gallon tank going to move all the tropicals into and leave the gold fish in the 10 gallon. I'm treating the ich with Aquari-Sol and the Secpticemia (sp) with Pimafix. The water temp is 76. I'm on day 3 of the Pimafix. Should I do a water change and keep treating or what. The tropicals have no signs of any disease.
first off goldies are coldwater and there for NOT tropical. the tetras are warm water and tropical. the water temp for tropical should not drop bellow 75F. the goldies will harrass the tetras until death.
the first step to treating ich is to raise the tem to around 80F (2 degrees a day) and increase oxigen level. the goldie would die because of the high temp. the reason the fish has ich is because the temp is 2 low for the trop. and that causes ich.

can u give us a list of the fish in the tank?
can u give us a pic of the tank?
the water stats?

how long have you kept tropical fish?
did you reasearch cycling the aquarium?
It would be better to move the goldies to the 30 and keep the 10 for the tropicals. The ich probably came with the new fish so its always wise to quarantine new arrivals for a couple of weeks first.
Before adding any meds you should get your water sorted out first. If you dont have any kits then your pet store can usually do these for you. You will have to ask them to write them down so you cn post back here.
Septiceamia usually responds to better water quality

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