What Is It?!

Somethings Fishy Here

Fish Fanatic
Nov 4, 2005
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I have an outdoor pond with several goldfish and koi, and i was cleaning it today, and as I cleaned, I came upon this clear looking jelly stuff on the bottom of the aquarium. It doesn't look like anything I have ever seen and obviously is not anything I put in the aquarium... and I can't find anything on the net about it so I was wondering if anyone here knows what it is. I'm assuming the koi and goldfish make it possibly for eggs? Thanks
could be fish eggs or snail eggs.
could be tadpole eggs or somr fish/snail egg type
The substance is dead semi-decomposed frogspawn. In order for frogspawn to reach the tadpole stage it can only be in a certain depth of water. Too shallow and it will dry out, freeze (if there is a cold spell) or is susceptible to being eaten by something else. Too deep and the weight of the water and lower temperature will inhibit growth and ultimately lead to death. Naturally frogspawn is heavier than water, therefore it will sink. So when frogs mate and spawn in the centre of ponds the frogspawn sinks and dies. After a week or two the embryo’s in the frogspawn rot and decompose and all you are left with is the protective protein jelly at the bottom of the pond. Which is precisely what you found when you where cleaning out your pond.


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