What is it with Walmart

PappyJones said:
Wahtsup guys, my first post here. i just wanted yall 2 hear, they just started a new thing at our wal mart in town called, *Fish of the month* where they actually get good decent fish. This is their first month (march was) and they had Peacock Eels. they are pretty nice. my set up in my tank is, 30 gallon tank, dark gravel bottom, 1 Gymnothorax tile (snowflake eel), 2 peacock eels, 3 hybrid silver dollars, and 1 Raphael cat. (kinda stuffed but it works out well). thanks.
My Walmart is going that too. The fish of the month has been "schooling tetras" for about three months now. Basically, my Walmart has decided that rather than doing anything special, they'll just slap up a fish of the month sign that couldn't be more poorly made if they tried. :rolleyes:
I am actually rather proud of the two Walmarts here. Neither of them carry fish at all. I respect the decision that must have been, "We aren't really going to do a good job, so let's not bother." They still have the supplies and such, near the dog food, but no live fish. I think they made the right decision.
Thanks guys, I just wanted to get an over all view of the situation. In reply to Paul I get you drift about Pets@home. Went into my local last Saturday to get some bulk catfood, had a look around the fish department, saw the attendant ( who was no aquarist) netting out some Black Phantom Tetras, the fish were in very poor condition, the holding tank was disgusting, there must have been an inch of mulm in the gravel and dead fish in nearly every tank. I know they have to show a profit at the end of the day but surely dead fish are eating into their profit margins. If there tanks were maintained to a higher standard by one trained member of staff, who is responsible for the daily chores they would gain a better reputation. Sorry I don't like to see places like this. I think these type of establishments need to invest a little bit more in their staff, they can well afford it!!
Thanks again guys.
PappyJones said:
Wahtsup guys, my first post here. i just wanted yall 2 hear, they just started a new thing at our wal mart in town called, *Fish of the month* where they actually get good decent fish. This is their first month (march was) and they had Peacock Eels. they are pretty nice. my set up in my tank is, 30 gallon tank, dark gravel bottom, 1 Gymnothorax tile (snowflake eel), 2 peacock eels, 3 hybrid silver dollars, and 1 Raphael cat. (kinda stuffed but it works out well). thanks.
Your tanks all good apart from the Gynothorax Tile. This is a moray eel which needs quite strong brackish water. Without the salt content in it's water it's highly unlikely it will eat and will die quite quickly.

I'm speaking from experience here, i have 2 of these eels and they wouldn't eat until i raised the SG up to aorund 1.010 and even now there only taken live foods in the form of other fish and river shrimp.

I would advise you to either get rid of him or set up a brackish tank quite swiftly for him.

I always read up on my fish before i go and buy them and anything else i need to know. I don't trust staff in pet stores, most of them don't know anything about fish all they want to do is make money.
Either way though wether you go to a good or a bad lfs/lps you still need to research whatever your getting; you can never rely on your lfs/lps to tell you all there is to know even if they have a good reputation.
Tokis-Phoenix said:
you can never rely on your lfs/lps to tell you all there is to know even if they have a good reputation.
See, I never knew that until I found this board and I didn't find this board until after we had our fish (which almost all died, not surprisingly). I fully trusted the lfs to tell me the correct information, as they should. Even the store owners don't know much about fish.
BigC said:
What is Walmart, reading between the lines it's a pet supermarket chain. Would I be correct. What is it with them that has so many people posting on this forum. Are the staff not trained in fish husbandry, or is it something else. Just curious to find out more.. What exactly would I expect to find If I were to enter one of these stores. Would I get informative answers from the staff. Please enlighten me.
I though you were going somewhere different with your inquiry.
let me explain, the walmarts Ive been in are NOT in the pet/animal biz. Its a DISGRACE how they keep the fish. It never fails to see at least 3 floaters. Ive complained once, and have been bothered so much so Im thinking of contacting an dorganization that may have interest in the matter.
BigC said:
What is Walmart, reading between the lines it's a pet supermarket chain. Would I be correct. What is it with them that has so many people posting on this forum. Are the staff not trained in fish husbandry, or is it something else. Just curious to find out more.. What exactly would I expect to find If I were to enter one of these stores. Would I get informative answers from the staff. Please enlighten me.
After my first year of fish keeping I easily could've told them more about fish than they could tell me. They don't care about the fish, they just want to make money. Their staff USUALLY isn't very smart (fish wise) and I've seen them pull some really stupid stuff and I was only over there for like 5 minutes.
The tanks are dirty, they don't have anywhere for the fish to hide, dead fish are just left in the tanks, they will sell you sick fish.

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