What Is It That You Love About Bettas?


Motorbike Riding Tattooed fish freak
Feb 6, 2008
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Ok so we sometimes get newbies and others like friends and family asking what is it about bettas that we love

So peeps what is it about bettas that has made u wana keep so many?

I love the fact that out of all the tropical fish I have kept, these guys are the only ones who seem to have individual personalities

The fact that altho they are the same breed, they have diff tail types and colours, no 2 bettas are the same

When my hand goes in the girls tank, they all huddle under my hand, its sooo cute, or when I open the lid to the tank they all jump whether I have food or not, makes me smile

or when u see faces like this

post ur own personal reasons for why u love these lil fella's so much
It's their personalities that get me, but what originally turned me onto them was the 'all shapes and sizes' element. I didn't know about their individual great personalities until I had a few to compare to each other. It's definitely more exciting saying you want the pink crowntail or the purple halfmoon than just '3 of those please, any 3 will do, but not the one with the eye missing' lol
i think its the way that they seem to know YOU, they seem to bond with you. They are all very different, some you can even stroke. Allot of people who don't keep bettas say that this isn't true but when you have had them for a time you know that it really is.

I was first attracted by their beauty and grace but got hooked by the love that these little fishies have for you (the person that gives them fooooood)

Its amazing to be able to walk over to my females tank, stick a finger in and watch the whole lot race over...not many other fish do that

i could go on and on and on...so i'll stop :blush:
awwww shell, its lovely isnt it

these lil guys really make me smile :blush:
i think its the way that they seem to know YOU, they seem to bond with you. They are all very different, some you can even stroke. Allot of people who don't keep bettas say that this isn't true but when you have had them for a time you know that it really is.

I was first attracted by their beauty and grace but got hooked by the love that these little fishies have for you (the person that gives them fooooood)

Its amazing to be able to walk over to my females tank, stick a finger in and watch the whole lot race over...not many other fish do that

i could go on and on and on...so i'll stop :blush:

Except my half giant girl who BITES me and it hurts! She is such a ***** :lol:
i love how b.a. he is. he patrols around the tank like its all his! i love that my female lives in a sweet drift wood cave with my cherry shrimp it almost seems almost symbiotic. bettas are just sweet fish, hands down!
I got my fist to keep me company at school. I went to pet smart to buy a fish and he was the only one dancing and begging to be taken home. I was surprised on how much of a personality he has. He stares at me when I study and flares jealously at my laptop. When I am ignoring him for school work he starts to dance and stare and will make motions like he wants to bite me. He defiantly knows who I am and greets me when I come home from my classes. Although he has had a few health problems as of late he is still a very cheery fish. He also responds to his name too which is a little odd but works for me.
I swear is a little fish dog some times.
i am now completely hooked on Betta's an look forward to rescuing more from the pet stores. I know he is just a little pet store mutt but I love him anyways.
Well I only have 1 girl....more this weekend :shifty:

What I love about Ruby is that she nods her head at my while eating pellets. Do they all do that ?
I only got my first boy last week for a tank that had been going for some time.

I love him (never had to say anything like that before :blush: ) as my wife has become very interested in my hobby since getting him! SHE now wants us to get more tanks :hyper: :shout:
I only got my first boy last week for a tank that had been going for some time.

I love him (never had to say anything like that before :blush: ) as my wife has become very interested in my hobby since getting him! SHE now wants us to get more tanks :hyper: :shout:

She wants more tanks ! Lucky you :hyper:
I only got my first boy last week for a tank that had been going for some time.

I love him (never had to say anything like that before :blush: ) as my wife has become very interested in my hobby since getting him! SHE now wants us to get more tanks :hyper: :shout:

She wants more tanks ! Lucky you :hyper:

Yup, crazy thing is I wanted to set up another 155lt but she insisted I got rid. As a sort of disappointment present to myself I decided to turn over my little tank to a Betta. Now she thinks he is so great that she is saying lets get some more! After explaining that it's one to a tank (don't do dividers) she said SO! Get more tanks.....oh, alllll right then, if I must :lol:
dorsey we want more pics of ur betta lol

u gonna set up a sorority tank?

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