What Is Going On!?!?


New Member
Jul 18, 2012
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Lincolnshire UK
This post is followed from one i posted 2 days ago, called 1 fish dead, another 1 dying?

My cherry barb died :( did a water change lastnight, and tonight my platy is acting really strange, hovering in the tank, not interested in food... i've tested the water and everything seems fine!!! 0 for nitrite and 0 ammonia, nitrate usual level of 40....

I turned the light off the tank, then turned it on literally 2 minutes later to show my friend, and my platy was stuck to the filter!!!! he was still moving so i turned the power off and he became unstuck and is now swimming about again (very slowly)

what the hell is going on? if this fish dies, it'll be the 3rd in just over a week! do i have some crazy epidemic going on? any suggestions would be welcome!!!

**In the past 3 days all i've added is API aquarium salt, and API Melafix for the problem with the cherry barb before he died, would this cause problems to the other fish?**
A long shot but can you think of anything different that you have added to the tank before all your troubles began at all?
Any live food ect?
Or has anyone sprayed anything like fly killer or perfume near the tanks? The only thing that salt would cause problems with would be fish like corydora. Are they showing any other symptoms, like rapid breathing, loss of colouration, etc.

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