What Is Going On In My Tank?


New Member
Sep 29, 2007
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Hey I have had my aquarium running about a month now, I have had 6 guppies, 2 pearl gourami and a pictus catfish. Now I have 1 guppy as of today, a pearl gourami and a pictus catfish.

The first 3 guppies just died in the week they were introduced I lowered the temperature as I feared it was an ammonia spike, so the tank now sits at a respectable 24 degs the remaining 3 were fine. The catfish is doing fine, but the guppies are none existent I have 1 of 6 left. I have one perfectly healthy gourami and the other is suffering heavily from cotton wool disease on the base of the tail. It is on deaths door put it that way. I have treated it with finrot and fungal treatment, removed my carbon filter, I have a juwel rio 180 so I dont know whats happening. There is loads of aeration in the tank too.

Are there anythings I shouldn't be doing in these crucial first months. Oh and the catfish is too small to worry the guppies as of yet.

Any ideas much appreciated

What are you ammonia, nitrIte and nitrAte levels ?

Has the tank cycled yet ?
Your Pictus Catfish (assuming it's Pimelodus Pictus), when fully grown, will attack and eat any fish under 3 inches. It is a predator and does best in 3s or more, in a 1 it will be shy, and if kept as a two they will fight.
my ammonia is about 0.6ml/l according to my test kits, Im waiting on my other tests will let you know what the readings are when I get it. If it is the case the tank isn't cycle completely yet will I find that my fish are more succeptible to diseases? since yesterday my pearl gourami has died. My other fish look very happy, would it be advisable to add a few more guppies to stabilise the one in there at the mo, its looking a little skittish.

my ammonia is about 0.6ml/l according to my test kits, Im waiting on my other tests will let you know what the readings are when I get it. If it is the case the tank isn't cycle completely yet will I find that my fish are more succeptible to diseases? since yesterday my pearl gourami has died. My other fish look very happy, would it be advisable to add a few more guppies to stabilise the one in there at the mo, its looking a little skittish.


dont add fish and its not that the ammonia will let other disease attack (it will, but thats not the main problem) but its the actual ammonia killing the fish.
From the sounds of it your cycle is not finished. Ultimately you are aiming for 0 ammonia and nitrite, and 20-40 Nitrate. Don't add anymore fish, and cut your feeding down to once every other day. Have a look at this link on cycling with fish. It's a bit of a read, but should tell you everything you need to know. Good luck! :good:


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