What Is Better?


Fish Aficionado
Dec 19, 2006
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I want to know what type of food is better fro goldfish? Flakes or Pellets? And y? How much should i feed them. I usually feed my goldies pellets once every 2 days, sould i change the feeding rate?

I dont really think theres much difference if there both high quality goldfish food. some goldfish may show a preference to one or the other.
I tell you what some of the best goldfish food is. Nateral food. just as treats afew times a week. boiled/skined peas. Small worms. maybe live bloodworm, water daphnia ect.
I always find a good quality pellet food provides a good staple diet for goldfish.
Goldfish are messy eaters and flake can end up everywhere and cause polution,
unless you have small goldfish then pellets are also easier for them to eat. If you
prefer flakes then alter daily with pellets and flakes.

Your feeding regime should alter throughout the year, feeding little in Winter and more
in Summer. Feed as much as your Goldfish will eat once or twice a day.

I think good quality pellets specifically designed for goldfish are better than flakes, flakes tend to go stale a lot quicker than pellets (which leads to a reduction in nutritional content and molds can also start to grow). Most cases of goldfish having constipation from overfeeding of dried foods often involves pellets. Pellets also tend to be a less messy food in general for goldfish than flakes- as the goldifish grows larger, you can also get larger pellets brands more suited for the goldfishes size and type.
A good goldfish diet though shouldn't entirely consist of dried foods, you should try and feed frozen foods like bloodworms or fresh veg like cooked and chopped up peas or spinache too.

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