What Is Best Stuff For Live Plants?


Fish Crazy
May 28, 2014
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I was wondering what all is the best stuff for live plants and what stuff is all required for them,all i am using is...Aquatic Plant Food,by king british.....but is says to only use every 2 weeks.The first 2 pics is took when i planted them,and the last 2 is took today there,ive lost all the leaves off the 2 red plants that i bought and left with stems will they grow again or do i just bin them.




I cannot find any info on the product you are using (I checked their website, nothing).  Can you provide a link to the ingredients, or list them if they are on the label?
While waiting for that, I will mention that aquatic plants require 17 nutrients in order to photosynthsize.  Some of these are macro, some micro.  Some will occur from water changes (primarily the "hard" minerals like calcium, magnesium, and a few lesser), most can arrive in fish foods (the fish waste if left in the substrate will be broken down by snails and bacteria into nutrients the plants can take up), and some occur naturally like hydrogen, oxygen and carbon (carbon as CO2 is the by-product of the breakdown of organics, its main source, and lesser from fish, plant and bacteria respiration).
The other important factor is light.  Light must be of sufficient intensity to drive photosynthesis, and different plant species have differing requirements here.  The nutrient level must balance the loight; if it doesn't, the plants may be hindered and algae will take advantage as it is no where near so fussy.  From the photographs, I would think the light is fine.  Also, I like your aquascape too, nice work there.

When I know what ingredients are in this product, I may have more, or can suggest something else if I feel it necessary.  What were the red plants that you said did not last?  Red-leaf plants require more intense light, generally, because red is an essential wavelength for photosynthesis but red leaf plants reflect red light, to look red, so there needs to be more.  With higher light comes increased nutrients, and here is where CO2 may become a factor in limiting these plants.  I find it best to determine the light, then use plants that are suited; much the same as selecting fish suited to your water GH, it makes life much easier for all.
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no mate there isnt will look for info sheet tomorrow as i was out doing a resto job on my other hobby :D
Hi gh74, I don't want to be negative about the fish you have but I notice you have an oscar, with rams etc. They will make a nice snack for the oscar when he/she gets larger.
Yes, and there are some other fish issues looming too, from the species in the photos.  May have to come back to this when the plant question is resolved.  B.
Yeah i just thought someone would say about whats in the tank,i had my 8x2x2 delivered but told the couriers to take it back as there was a crack & chip in the bottom left corner,so waiting for the new tank to arrive,so the bigger fish can grow in the tank size that they need ;)

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