What Is Best Filter Media To Use


New Member
Sep 16, 2007
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hi all i have got hold of a Fluval FX5 External Filter i was told not to use the Foam Pads that come with it as this can couse nitrates probs. so i was wondring what is the best filter media to use for a fowlr setup.menythanks.
polyfilter, activated carbon and rowaphos or phosban is what i would use.
thanks so is keeping the Foam Pads out is the right thing to do
i would there not too bad you just have to keep cleaning them really and thats effort. polyfilters better anyways.
polyfilter is undoubtedly better but WAY more expensive and it doesnt last very long. Stick with the foam and stay on top of cleaning it (atleast weekly). Add LR rubble instead of any ceramic rings or bioballs.
Foam is defo cheaper and does more or less the same job but as mentioned earlier you have to keep on top of cleaning the pads or replacing them on regular basis otherwise they can cause fast become nitrate factories!
you would be amazed at the difference mechanical filtration gives you, and in a good way. Only if you clean/replace it every 1-3 days, if its a bigger pad and less things in the tank, then you may be able to go a few more days without cleaning.
I think you could get away with a foam pad in a FOWLR anyway. If you have a lot of inverts it might not be the best idea, but fish can tolerate a lot of nitrates.

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