What Is An Overflow Box?


Lets go Flyers
Sep 17, 2006
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Hi, I seem to hear this a lot, what is an overflow box, and is it necessary for all tanks? Also, what is the point of drilling tanks?
"Overflow Box" and "Tank Drilling" both relate to the installation of a sump. An overflow box exists to get water from the tank to the sump. :) Drilling is done to either install an overflow box, or to make more plumbing adjustments.

An overflow isn't simply to move the water to the sump; if that's all it was for you could just run a siphon through some cheap vinyl tubing down to the sump. The surface of the water overflows into the overflow box and then out of the tank through some form of tubing which is either drilled into the tank or has some sort of siphon going over the top of the tank and down to a sump or other filtration means. By having the water overflow into the overflow box you are extracting the surface of the main tank's water which prevents slime (dissolved organic protein) buildup from fish poop and uneaten food on the water surface and increases oxygenation. The surface of the water also contains the most dissolved solids within the water column; essentially the overflow box removes the dirtiest possible water from the tank for filtration. An overflow box can take up swimming space but it all depends on the design. Drilled Internal Overflow types. Non-drilled external overflow. Drilled external overflow.

An overflow is not necessary at all but it does significantly improve filtration within all aquariums fresh or saltwater.

Finally, drilling an aquarium is simply a way to establish a safer system for water extraction from the overflow; i.e. no siphon = no chance of the siphon failing due to an air pocket and causing the tank to overflow all over your floor (even though the siphon breaks the return pump still pumps all the water out of your sump into the tank). Drilling your aquarium is definitely worth doing and most LFS's that carry saltwater stock will drill your aquarium for a price (all 4 stores in my area do at least). Also you can drill your aquarium to install a closed loop (very popular these days) in which the water is sucked out of an intake strainer by a pump and returned (usually split into several different lines) to the aquarium all through PVC pipe. This creates the same flow as a power head without the ugly looking power head with its cord; just a simple almost unnoticeable PVC pipe.

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