What is a plenum?



I have seen a site talking about plenum. Though i can not find a picture of one or read in lameman terms why i need it in my tank. I saw someone posted a link to Garf and i went there to check it out. That is where I read about the plenum.

They also give you instructions on how to build one for your tank.

But i still can't figure out why it would be good for my tank or why they feel it should be in my tank.

If anyone can fill me in on this, thank you.

Maybe there is something i am miss reading :*) or.............

All you need to know about plenums in my view is DON'T GET ONE! They are very dificult to set up correctly and if not set-up correctly, they will fail. If they are set-up correctly, they will work but providing you don't use kalkwasser (calcium hydroxide) as this will cause the plenum to solidify. If you can keep your PH up then you may get away ith it but the acid secretions from fish and bacteria will be constantly lowering the ph and you may find sooner or later that you will need to dose kalk in which case is ban news. I think there are some good systems out there and I would go for any apart from a plenum or a DSB. DSB's work better than plenums but need to have a lot of life i.e. worms to keep the bed turned over.

ste :)
i found part of my answer!

Plenums create a dead water space area under the substrate. This dead water space, along with the substrate, help in the denitrification process which lower the nitrates.
I don't write much in the marine forums but this...

>>> DSB

... stood out as if painted in fluorescent letters. You see DSB to me is "Danske Stats Baner", the Danish state railways, who have today, yet again, entertained the travelling public with colourful stories of why the train is not there!
I really don't see what a plenum has to do with acid secretions etc, could you explain?
basicaly, fish, bacteria etc excrete acid in there waste

ste :)

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