what is a Mono???????


Mar 31, 2004
Reaction score
Wiltshire, UK
can anyone tell me quickly what a 'mono' is ?

many thanks.

any piccies would be great. i have been lead to believe its an angel minus the long fins.............. :look:
Mono's (short for Monodactylus) are brackish water dwelling species from the perch family, the closest relation they share with angels is that they are both fish.
Thanks CFC and MAM. ;)

Just found a link on page 2 of TCC that has a load of info as well!

This site is so huge and popular even when I try to get on here every day I still miss stuff!!!!!!!! :lol: :lol:

Had no idea they were brackish though....does it really matter if they live in a 'normal' tropical set up without salt???
yes - but a big thankyou! that was the one I was refering to.

One day a thread can have no interest at all so gets skimmed over - the next its what you really need to know and you wished you'd paid more attention.......... ;) :blush:

Thanks again though, cheers :beer:
I got to see the mono's today in a LFS brackish section.
Cavafish said:
Had no idea they were brackish though....does it really matter if they live in a 'normal' tropical set up without salt???
Quite simply without the salt they will die, young monos can be found in FW but once they mature they venture down stream into the esturies and will on occassion even enter the sea.

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