What is a good algae eater


New Member
Apr 29, 2003
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I dont know will at one will suck, not die too fast :*) not suck too too too much ya know!:)
Most ancistrus will eat algae and some don't get oo big.

Siamese Algae Eater (aka Siamese Flying Fox) are also good but they can get a bit teratorial towards others of the same species. Make sure it is a Siamese not Chinese - the black band on the side doesn't go on to the tail fin with a Siamese whereas it does on the Chinese.

Otocinclus are good algae eaters as well.

The decision really depends on the size of your tank and the other fish it will be sharing with.

Cheers, Eddie
Try a bristlenose/ancistrus pleco they do a great job! :thumbs:
A single large Apple or Ramshorn snail will do a good job as long as no one in the tank picks on them too much, then they only clean at night.
Pufferpack said:
A single large Apple or Ramshorn snail will do a good job as long as no one in the tank picks on them too much, then they only clean at night.
Thats true puffer how could i not say that I've got a 10gallon purely for snails!! Snails as plecos will need additional feeding though if they run out of algae!! If snails get picked on too much they will become 'nocturnal' active when the rest of the fish are dozing at night :)
just go to the pet store and buy some of the free snails they give out. I started out with three and now i have about 40. Those little guys by themselves will keep your tank nice and squeaky clean. But i also have an Otocinclus. They are a good choice for an algae eater, as they dont get as big as plecos and they also arent agressive at all unlke the chinese and siamese algae eaters.


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