Fish Fanatic
Ok, I came home today, checked my tanks, and it seems I only find these white spots underneath some of my decor. The fish are fine, happy, and being themselves. No white spots on them. But I came across these white spots on my bogwood, a rock, and 1 on my glass. At first i thought, maybe they were cory eggs, now I am not so sure. Most Pics I have seen of Cory eggs were clustered, not in a line. Anyhow, the tank currently holds 6 cardinal tetras, 5 male guppies, 4 false julii cories, 1 julii cory (He came with the other 4, didnt realize he was differnt till after a few days of having him), and 2 zebra nerites. So... Anyone want to take a guess at what these are? I dont want to mess with them if they are cory eggs, so i dont know if they are hard, soft, or whatever. I chose zebra nerites so that they wouldnt breed in my tanks. Hope you can help me! The Last fish addition was July, the snails I have had for 4 months now, but about a month ago, moved them into this tank. There is several Java Ferns, Anubias Nanas, and clumps of Java Moss in the tank. With some plastic thrown in. There are no other snails to my knowledge in the tank. The plants I have had longer then the fish and snails. And I've never seen a hint of any sort of snail I didnt put in there. So... I dont think they are snail eggs.