What In The World?


Fish Aficionado
May 11, 2005
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I was doing a full length betta bowl cleaning today (Taking the gravel out, washing it, washing the plants ect), so I had all 3 of my bettas in the 5G (They were seperated by nets of course), and I took one net out, so I could place the betta (smokey) in his newly clean bowl. Well, while I was removing the net, the other net (that was holding officer) got off balence and released officer from his net. I had just threwn Smokey in his new bowl to answer my phone and go to the bathroom, and to also finish cleaning gravel for officers bowl.
Well, when I came back upstairs I saw what had happened!
Officer was flairing, and my newest betta, was not. They were swimming back and forth together, and this made me curious.
Why wasn't my new betta flairing?
Well, I decided to watch them for a little while, just to see if my new betta would do anything. After only a minute or so, I decided that if something did happen, I might not net one of them fast enough before someone got hurt.
So now they're all safley in their bowls....

No damage was done to either betta before I came back upstairs.

But I'm still curious why my new betta didn't flair, and why they hadn't attacted eachother before I came upstairs?
I dont want to try it again, but could this be one of those rare things where bettas can coexcist peacefully?
Yeah. I've read that some bettas dont grow aggression as quickly as others but after a few hours being together they will see eachother as a threat...Leading to flaring and beating eachother up. I have to say that this is pretty rare that some bettas can be together for a few minutes.
Thats what I thought.
I still wonder why one flaired and the other didn't.
Some bettas just aren't as aggressive as others. I had a CT who never flared even once his entire life.
Samething happened to me Ethos
I had one almost and probably a community tank betta, lived with what ever it could they wouldnt nip at it,
Then i had one solitary betta.

One day the divider fell, only one flared the other didnt.
I thought it was interesting aswell.
But never let them stay long enough to found out what would happen.
One day the divider fell while i wasn't at home.
I came back to a shreded, nearly dead betta and he was the one that flared.

Just sharing my experience, and a warning that they may look like the co exsist, but they're just checking eachother out before the fight.


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