what if the tank is too small?


New Member
Jan 12, 2003
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Hello folks, I am new to this Forum but not new to acquariums.
Allthough I am new to having a small tank.. some background:

I moved to California last year and since I will be moving again at the end of this year I didn't get a large tank nor did I move my old one. I now have a 6 gallon Eclipse tank and I just put 2 small Albino Auratus in the tank.. check here for more info


My wife bought them for me and the fish guys told her that although they grow to about 6 in, they will only grow enough to fit in their surroundings and should be ok, if we don't put any more fish in the tank.

Rather than tell her to take them back I put them in the tank.. as of now, they are small enough. What I wanted to ask you guys, is if you believe that or if there is still a danger to the fish. I was told before that although they can somehow stunt their growth on the outside.. their internal organs continue to grow and they suffer a terrible death.

What do you guys think.. I think there may just be enough room for them to grow to adult hood and still be relatively comfortable. Maybe I will have to take ONE out in a month or so..but that should be it in my opinion.

What do you all think?

bigbites said:
Hello folks, I am new to this Forum but not new to acquariums.
Allthough I am new to having a small tank.. some background:

I moved to California last year and since I will be moving again at the end of this year I didn't get a large tank nor did I move my old one. I now have a 6 gallon Eclipse tank and I just put 2 small Albino Auratus in the tank.. check here for more info


My wife bought them for me and the fish guys told her that although they grow to about 6 in, they will only grow enough to fit in their surroundings and should be ok, if we don't put any more fish in the tank.

Rather than tell her to take them back I put them in the tank.. as of now, they are small enough. What I wanted to ask you guys, is if you believe that or if there is still a danger to the fish. I was told before that although they can somehow stunt their growth on the outside.. their internal organs continue to grow and they suffer a terrible death.

What do you guys think.. I think there may just be enough room for them to grow to adult hood and still be relatively comfortable. Maybe I will have to take ONE out in a month or so..but that should be it in my opinion.

What do you all think?

You might consider removing one when they attain adulthood, yes.

It is a damn shame that you weren't given neon tetras or zebra danios, as a shoal of these fish would have been in order. Still, manage it carefully & you may, no guarantees, have a large enough tank. Six litres is awful small though, so at some point I really would consider either smaller fish or a larger tank.
It was a mistake because my wife was mislead..

I will remedy the problem with out harming the fish..

I am still looking to find out if there is any truth to what was said about the fish limiting their growth to fit the size of the tank or the other part about the horrid death..

still looking for answers..

bites :crazy:

Amadaca...it's a 6 gallon tank which is considerably more than a 6 litre ;) ;)

A fish will be stunted if not given proper room to grow. The "MYTH" that a fish will only grow according to the room provided it is HOGWASH!!!!!!

I am not sure of the statement the organs will continue to grow or not, but the fish will eventually die.

It will be under enormous stress not having the necessary room and this stress will lead to other health problems.

I would give up one of the Auratus mainly due to their aggression level. They are a highly aggressive fish and two of them in this small a tank will mean sure death to at least one soon!!!!

Stick with us here on this board and we will gladly give you any and all help needed to successfully keep cichlids.


P.S. Go back and tell those "fish guys" their full of pleco poo" about a fish growing to fit the tank.

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